Where: Gathering Room
Description: ATTENTION CHILDREN OF ALL AGES! SINGERS, DANCERS, ARTISTS, ACTORS, COMEDIANS, ETC. DO YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT? PAINT?, SKETCH, DRAW, CREATE COMICS? POETRY ETC (1,000 WORDS OR LESS) Prizes will be awarded for both” hands on” art and” in person” theatrical art.
We cannot allow any walk in submissions. Everyone must be registered to be a part of this special event. No exceptions! All contestants will be responsible for their own music accompaniment, props, etc. Registration Mandatory! Residents will NOT be admitted into this event without registering prior to event.
Space is limited! * Under 16 will NOT be permitted to attend without parent supervision!
Registration and “hands on” art submissions accepted no later than Thursday October 6th 2022 5pm
*Viewing and judging for these submissions will take place Friday October 7th 2022
by our anonymous volunteer judges & prizes will be presented on October 8th at 8pm
** There will be a secret guest in the entertainment industry looking for talent!